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so poor people can aford to call incase of a imergency!

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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Q: Why are emergency calls free?
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Related questions

Where are the best free cell phones online?

You can obtain free cell phones by visiting if you meet their eligibility requirements. For emergency calls, you can request a used phone to be activated for emergency calls by visiting

What questions do they ask in emergency 111 calls?

IT WAS AN emergency

What are the daily activities of a 911 operator?

answer emergency phone calls and provide emergency services.

Why should an emergency call never be placed on hold?

emergency calls are life threatening.

Will 911 work on Skype calls?

No. Skype is not a replacement for your phone and can not be used for emergency calls.

Can pilots make SOS calls when their planes crash?

Most American airplanes have a built in radio that calls out to an emergency frequency when an emergency occurs. So yeah

How do you handle emergency calls?

dial 991 or 999 and ask for an emergency service; ambulance, police, e.t.c.

What is the definition of emergency dispatcher?

Someone who answers 911 calls.

Do you get charged when receiving a call from viber?

Viber to Viber calls are always free. Not only your incoming calls are free, instead your outgoing calls are free as well. So just relax and keep on making free viber calls

What are the release dates for House Calls - 1979 In Case of Emergency 2-8?

House Calls - 1979 In Case of Emergency 2-8 was released on: USA: 12 January 1981

Do you get charged for using emergency calls?

Using emergency calls should not count towards a person's cell phone minutes. This is typically only limited to 911, and does not include suicide hotlines or anything.

Free 411 wont say free calls on skype psp and im wondering how to get free calls that's what all videos and pages said and free 411 wont say free calls for you?

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