A deficiency is a lack or shortage, therefore deficiency diseases are caused by a lack or shortage of necessary nutrients in the body. One example is scurvy, a disease associated with pirates that occurs when an individual suffers from a vitamin C deficiency.
I don't know of _ but i know about the disease caused by the deficiency of proteins that is kwashiorkor.
Measles is not a deficiency disease. Measles is caused by measles virus. This is an infectious disease.
It is disease caused by a deficiency of protein.
Krabbe's disease is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme galactoside beta-galactosidase.
Assidon's Disease
Osteoporosis is a disease caused by estrogen deficiency, leading to decrease in bone density and increased risk of fracture.
Rickets.... ;)
The sickle cell anaemia is not a deficiency disease. It is a hereditary disease caused by defective gene in both the parents.
Scurvy is a disease caused by a vitamin C deficiency .