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Generally they start smoking because they think it makes them look cool, or their freidns are smoking, or they are pressured into smoking by other friends that smoke, then they become addicted to nicotine and smoke to fulfill the carving for nicotine - if you don't smoke DON'T START !

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Cigarrettes are used because some people think they look "cool." Which they don't. There's so many reasons why cigarrettes are bad for you this page would be a thousand pages long. To prevent the disgusting effects that come with cigarrette smoking, DON'T SMOKE!!

hmm, there are many harmful things in cigarettes, but do not ever listen to an extremist.

their opinions are omitted

The reason for the use of cigarettes, is for the release physiological and psychological stresses and tensions learned as a habit and a trigger for relieving said stresses.

smoking is a choice and no one should tell you how to think either way than yourself.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Cigarettes are bad because they are the #1 cause of lung cancer. You'll have more colds and upper respiratory problems then non-smokers. There are 400 known poisons in tobacco. 400,000 people die each year due to smoking.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

because there is a chemical in the cigarette called nicotine that makes it addictive

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Q: Why are cigarrette used?
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Three men in a boat with four cigarettes and no matches How do they manage to smoke?

throw a cigarrette overboat and it makes the boat a cigarrette lighter. LOL :)

What is the meaning of ciggy wiggy?

pretty sure its a cigarrette

How do people get protected from cigarrette smoke?

Don't breath.

Cigarrette lighter don't work?

Mine works off and on :(

Can cigarrette smoke cause air pollution?

Yes, yes it does.

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What color is a cigarrette?

Usually white and an orangey/light brown colour.

Is it cheaper to buy 10 packs of cigarrette's then it is to buy a carton of cigarrette's?

i live in North Carolina and ive never seen a pack even close to $10. its mostly like $5 around here.

If you were on a raft with a packet of cigarrettes and no matches how would you light your cigarrette?

Use the sun

How do you you say lets go have a cigarrette in french?

'allons avoir une cigarette'

What is the fuse rating on a cigarrette lighter in a Renault megane scenic?

350A Its the same on all Renaults

Burning end of a cigarrette called?

I don't know that there is a specific name but it could be called an ember, as that effectively is what it is.