Because men don't have babies. Only women have the parts to have babies, while men have the parts to fertilize the eggs and start pregnancy. In fact, the word woman is a shortened form of "womb man."
Religious answer:
Because Eve told Adam to eat the apple. That put shame on women and God decided to curse all women because of Eve.
Females can have up to 15 cubs.
yes at first so it can have babies to birth but then when the females babies are born she can leave the fatheror kill him if he trys tohurt one of the babies
the female mice should not hurt the babies but may become jelous so i would put them in separate cages to be on the safe side.. but if she is in a cage with two other females how did it get pregnant??
When females reach a certain age is when dolphins have their babies
When you notice that they can do things on their own (which is in about 2 weeks after their born). But you do have to separate the males from the females.
yes all dog females have babies out of there bedongkidongks
Males should not be with females during pregnancy or birth. It cant be with the babies until they are big. The male will eat the babies. You have to separate them after they mate
The male/female ratio of births is nearly 50/50, with a Little more (abt 1-2%) males being born.
No. Only females can have babies diabetic or otherwise.
No, the male should be kept with the babies. Once the babies are adults, the mother can live with the females.
No, they did not. Females always have the babies. And the only animal that has the male having the babies is the seahorse. Hope this helped!! :)