Due to accumulation of fat particles in the cytoplasm, the nucleus of the adipose cell moves towards the cell membrane giving a look alike ring. Thus adipose cells are also called signet ring cells.
Adipose, or fat cells, remind people of a ring with a jewel on it (or a signet ring), because when viewing the cell in profile under a microscope, they look like a ring with a small jewel. The jewel is the nucleus and other cell components, while the ring is a large lipid drop surrounded by the cell membrane.
The signet was a stamp which was used to impress a picture into wax used to seal a document. It was convenient to have this signet made into a ring.
Baby swans are called as cygnets. Adult male swans are called as cobs while adult female swans are called as pens.
Adipose cells are often compared to a ring with a single jewel due to their appearance under a microscope, where the cell (the "ring") surrounds a large lipid droplet (the "jewel"). This visual similarity helps to illustrate how adipose cells primarily function to store and regulate fat within the body.
By putting it in a sentence like: He had a lovely signet ring that he was very proud of.
The cartilage in the larynx which is shaped like a signet ring is the cricoid cartilage. It is the only complete ring of cartilage around the trachea.
yes of course!
. i donot tink so
because he hates it
because he hates it
Signet rings are traditionally worn on the little finger of the left hand.
Cricoid cartilage :D