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The spinal column decreases in overall height due to a softening and flattening of the vertebral bones, as well as a loss of fluid contained in the discs between the bones.

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Q: Why and how do you shrink when you get older?
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Can you shrink?

You can not shrink, the reason people say older people shrink is because they get a hunch in their back.

How do people get shorter?

they "shrink" when they get older :)

Why do you grow not shrink?

because you get older not younger there for you grow not shrink .. but sometime as you get old you shrink. depending on who you are and if you take care of yourself

What are three sentences for the word shrink?

Products come in shrink-wrap packaging.I had to shrink my jeans. Many older adults shrink by one to three inches as they lose height.

Does your stomach shrink as you get older?

you control your stomach size eat and drink less it will shrink and you wont want to eat so much

How does age affect height?

You shrink in height as you get older as the spine ages

I'm 15 female and a 34 D in bra size your nipples are quite big will they shrink as you get older?

yes they definitely will as you get older women start to get wrinkles everywhere which cause a woman's nipples to shrink

Does your penis shrink in age?

during puberty, yes, but in your older years, yes

How do you get short?

If you want to get shorter- then wait until you are older, and you will shrink. You might not want to become shorter once you actually are.

Why you need more light to see when older?

As we age, the lens of the eye becomes less flexible and the pupils shrink, resulting in less light reaching the retina. This decreases the eye's ability to see in low-light conditions. Additionally, changes in the retina and optic nerve can affect visual acuity.

When do humans begin to shrink?

Humans typically begin to shrink in height around the age of 40, with the rate of shrinking increasing as they get older. This shrinking is primarily due to age-related changes in the spinal discs and vertebral bones.

What will make you shorter?

Age, as you grow older (50+) you tend to shrink in height an inch or two. This is because calcium tends to be leached from your bones.