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Just because you are eating sweet foods always just like chocolates and candies and also you are swallowing spicy foods without chewing it properly

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8y ago

Yes, living in a polluted is one of the main causes of sore throat. You should try an avoid pollution as much as possible as there are other problems associated with it as well.

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Q: Why am i getting a sore throat all the time?
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Is kit Kat good for you sore throat?

The biscuit in a kit kat may grate against the sore throat as it is swallowed. I prefer icecream and lolly-ices if my throat is sore (but not all the time, fattening!).

What type of sore throat is not contagious?

Sore throat caused by environmental conditions is not contagious.

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Not at all. It can't be.

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Because the fan dries out your throat therefor it is sore the next morning

How does iodine cure a sore throat?

I have never heard of usin iodine to cure a sore throat, but iodine is an anti-infectant, in other words, it kills germs. Despite the fact that the cold is caused by a virus, a sore throat is often caused by bacteria, and so killing them will get rid of the sore throat. However, if you stop the iodine before they are all dead, your sore throat will get worse.

Is it at all possible to eat fire?

yes but you will get a sore throat

Use symptom in a sentence?

A sore throat and fever were the symptoms of the virus they all had.

When bacteria invades your body what kind of relationship is between you and sore throat?

Most sore throats are caused by viruses - which is why taking antibiotics like penicillin is a complete waste of time, and can often make the condition worse. If it is bacterial, it could be a staphlococcus or a streptococcus. In the old days diptheria used to give you a pretty nasty sore throat, before it killed you. If you want numbers, think in hundreds of thousands of bacteria in the mouth and throat - all the time, but not always the bad ones, fortunately. Some sore throats are not due to infection at all, but some form of glandular inflammation, or mechanical irritation. as many as the doctors and scientist say

Are heartburn, regurgitation and chronic sore throat classic symptoms of acid reflux?

Yes, heartburn, regurgitation and chronic sore throat are all indeed classic symptoms of acid reflux disease.

What are some symptoms of a sore throat so that I know when I am about to get a throat infection?

There are many sore throat symptoms such as a runny nose, swollen glands, a headache, muscle aches & pains and cough. You can try home remedies to cure it or take medication if it is more serious. Where symptoms continue then seek medical advice at all times.

10 month old child wheezing coughing temperature over 100?

IF it's throat is sore then it's prob. Swine Flu. When you have the Swine Flu all of these things happen but sore throat is also in it.

Bacteria made throat sore?

Bacteria are a very common cause of sore throats. That's why its so important to brush your teeth, if you don't, you swallow all the bacteria in your mouth, allowing them to grow in your throat,but I'm IMMUNE