You may be working hard outside and sweating a lot (losing water) if not you may have eaten a lot of salty foods or your blood sugar may be off.
try drinking water when your thirsty, it's always the best :P
Well, sometimes you are dead.
maybe its anixty
Either you are a fish or pissibly you need to be checked for diabetes. Diabetes makes you thirsty a lot.
this could be a sign of diabetes, being that diabetes makes you thirsty more than normal but it does not necessarily mean that you have diabetes , you should be check by your doctor to be sure.
Have the doctor check him out ... shows signs of diabetes by always being thirsty.
tienes sed = you are thirsty tengo sed = I am thirsty
Thirsty is NOT a verb
Törstig = thirstyI am thirsty = Jag är törstigYou are thirsty = Du är törstigAre you thirsty? = Är du törstig?
It depends on how it is used in a sentance. If it is like this: I am thirsty, then it is an adjective.
They don't always. Maybe they aren't always thirsty. You know, there's plenty of water in the world for dogs to drink.