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You may be working hard outside and sweating a lot (losing water) if not you may have eaten a lot of salty foods or your blood sugar may be off.

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Q: Why am I always thirsty?
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Why have i had 3 glasses of juice and still thirsty?

try drinking water when your thirsty, it's always the best :P

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Are you always thirsty when you get hit by lightning?

Well, sometimes you are dead.

Why do you have a dry mouth and always thirsty but not diabetic?

maybe its anixty

Why would always be thirsty if I drink a lot of water?

Either you are a fish or pissibly you need to be checked for diabetes. Diabetes makes you thirsty a lot.

Why are you always thirsty but you drink a lot?

this could be a sign of diabetes, being that diabetes makes you thirsty more than normal but it does not necessarily mean that you have diabetes , you should be check by your doctor to be sure.

My son won't stop drinking?

Have the doctor check him out ... shows signs of diabetes by always being thirsty.

How do you say you are thirsty in spanish?

tienes sed = you are thirsty tengo sed = I am thirsty

Is thirsty a verb?

Thirsty is NOT a verb

What is you are thirsty in Swedish?

Törstig = thirstyI am thirsty = Jag är törstigYou are thirsty = Du är törstigAre you thirsty? = Är du törstig?

What is a noun for thirsty?

It depends on how it is used in a sentance. If it is like this: I am thirsty, then it is an adjective.

Why do lost dogs never accept water from people who find them?

They don't always. Maybe they aren't always thirsty. You know, there's plenty of water in the world for dogs to drink.