Dont worry it wil change soon dude im 13 my voice just finshed changin stay strong though
Lool hey im a Giirll yee buh i hav a crush on dis guy n hasn't broken his vice yet eithr n hes 14 (in yr 10) hes gnna b 15 soon buh i dnt care cuz i stil luv hiim n he sound cuteee:) (L) so hes soo sweet
many girls find ih kindah cute if a guy hasn't broken his dnt worry itll prob happen soon::)
Hey buddy, don't worry about it. I am almost 17 (starting year 12) and my voice hasn't broken yet. but i have found out that it is most likely a genetic thing as my Dad didn't go through puberty until later in his life. you may be the same, which is nothing to worry about. hang in there. :D
I broke my leg. (active voice) My leg is broken. (passive voice) Active voice vs. Passive voice.
nope... but apparently a lot of people want his voice to be broken ;)
because maybe she practice singing, or the voice she do is she maybe born that way god gave it to her, to have a pretty voice..
uhm yah! who cares if his voice is broken.
Chris Hardman's voice has broken
let the broken box be had
justin beibers voice
it will sound deep
Annabeth is worried because she realizes that the voice they heard was probably that of the Titan Lord Kronos, who is trying to manipulate them. She knows that Kronos is cunning and dangerous, and his power is something they must be wary of.
yes she is she has it beautiful voice, pretty and a pretty good poser