Someone who wants to get the benefits of a cardiovascular and weight training
workout simaltaneously...also good if you have time contraints.Must move between workout stations with minimal rest to keep the heart rate up.
Circuit training is described as short and sweet which is why most people use it and most well known fitness centers are offering circuit training. Some fitness centers even specialize in circuit training.
circuit training
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A parallel circuit
Circuit training
Yes you would use a serial circuit You would use parallel circuit lights for a Christmas tree because if you used series circuit lights, and one of the bulb blows, the rest of the bulbs will go out. But with parallel circuit lights, if one bulb blows the rest of the bulbs will remain their brightness.
One of the advantages of circuit training is how you get maximum results in minimum time. Because circuit training is such a flexible format, you will never get bored of a set routine. Another great advantage is how fast your metabolism will start working.
Physical training on a number of machines or systems in a gym.
Circuit training
Depends on what you want to achieve and what you need to improve. Most people benefit from a mixed programme.