

Best Answer

# 1 Jerry Smith

#2 Ray Wakins

#3 Some hippy Preacher

#4 Marty Stuart

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Q: Who were Connie Smith's four husbands?
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Did jerry Smith connie smiths first husband commit suicide?

No alive and well living in a nursing home in Caldwell ohio

Did Cleopatra have a husband and children?

Yes, Cleopatra had two husbands, both of them were her brothers. She had four children with men who were not her husbands.

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Which is correct The Smith's or The Smiths?


With which group was the lead singer morrissey?

Morrissey was the lead singer of The Smiths.

Should the first name of the wife be in parenthese after the husbands first name?

No. By convention you list the husbands name first and then the an and and then the wife's name. A parentheses is used for a maiden name. It is not normally used on the outside of an envelope. You assume she knows her maiden name. However, if there are a number of Mary Smiths, you can use it to distinguish which Mary Smith. John and Mary (Harding) Smith. There may be several John and Mary Smiths attending a convention, but only one will be Mary (Harding) Smith married to John Smith.

Who was Connie Smiths 1st husband?

Connie Smith's first husband was a man by the name of Jerry Smith. Her birth name was Constance June Meador and she acquired her stage name from her first husband. At the time of their marriage, "Once a Day" became a #1 hit and therefore the last name "Smith" remained her stage name for the rest of her career.

When was The Smiths created?

The Smiths was created in 1982.

When did The Smiths end?

The Smiths ended in 1987.

What is the plural possessive of smith?

The plural possessive form of "smith" is "smiths'".

Where is the Smiths Grove Branch in Smiths Grove located?

The address of the Smiths Grove Branch is: 127 South Main Street, Smiths Grove, 42171 8130

What is the job of a Smith?

A smith works with metal. There are gold smiths, silver smiths, black (iron is black metal), tin smiths, copper smiths, etc.