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Q: Who was the villain in Chinese mythology?
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Was Perseus a villain?

No, he was a hero from Greek mythology.

Who is the major villain and hero in ROMAN mythology?

You can't sum up all of Roman Mythology into a single story with one hero and one villain.

Is cyclops a villain?

In Greek mythology, cyclops is a large 1 eyed beast. Yes, he is a villain.

How is Chinese mythology different from other types of mythology?

It's Chinese so they have different beliefs about stuff

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The true villain, who is using you to acquire the powerful totems from the villain dreams, is Dr. Jupiter, or as he is better known, Zeus, the power-hungry god of Mythology Island. Once you have given him the totems, he tries to take control of Poptropica and you have to stop him (as many players did previously on Mythology Island). The battles are very similar, but a little shorter.

Who were the greatest villains in Greek mythology?

One of the villians in Greek mythology is Cronos.

What did the Chinese think of the gods of in Chinese mythology?

Chinese has a different mythology. There are many gods. It's a mix of Taoism and Buddhism. The head of the gods is the Jade Emperor!

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What has the author Guangzheng Wu written?

Guangzheng Wu has written: 'Ba xian gu shi xi tong kao lun' -- subject(s): Ba Xian (Taoist mythology), Chinese Mythology, Fairies, Mythology, Chinese, Taoist mythology

What is the role of the Chinese dragon?

In ancient Chinese mythology, Chinese Dragons were associated with bringing rain and good harvest.

Who is not one of the immortals in Chinese mythology?

Huang Di