The shower started in ancient Egypt when people poured buckets of water over themselves or had slaves do it for them.
The first Greek to invent the shower was Aqueus Sprinkilus. Unfortunately, he had a serious nasal operation, where the surgeon reconnected his nose upside down. He died of drowning in his own shower.
yes he was the first inventor
According to historians, nobody knows the first inventor.
Alexander Stepanovich Popov was the inventor of the first portable radio
As hard as it seems to believe the inventor of the first flushable toilet was John Crapper.
the inventor of the first cellphone is Martin cooper
well the first inventor of planes and technically the first inventor of by planes were the wright brothers because there first plane was a by plane
The bath came first, then the shower.
Dr. Alexander Graham Bell is the first inventor of the first telephone.This is my complete sentences
Archytas of Tarentum, he was a philosopher and inventor much like Archimedes.
Cornelius Drebbel was a Dutch inventor who built the first submarine ever.