His second wife was named Dorothy and they married in 1980 ( I don't know the last name but I hope this help )
his inspiration was his wife
i have great feelings about lichtensteins work he uses great effects
it is unknown what roy lichtensteins materials are
Lichtenstein was a pop artist as were Andy Warhol, Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg and many others.
Yes but he then married his second wife Dorothy Herzka it doesn't say the first wife's name
Yes, He married his second wife, Dorothy Herzka in 1968.
Roy's first wife, Claudette, was killed in a motorcycle accident in 1966. In 1968 Roy's house caught on fire and 2 of his 3 sons died. His youngest son, Wesley was saved by Roy's parents. Roy met his 2nd wife, Barbara in 1968 and they had two sons together.
No he does not
After his 1st wife Claudette's death in 1968, Roy remarried and remained married to his second wife - Barbara - until his death.
no he had a wife