The (consumer) of the product. Companies must pass on the added cost of government regulation/compliance to the products they sell or manufacture, therefore the end user will pay the added cost.
Generally, the cost of compliance with government regulations is borne by the companies or individuals subject to those regulations. This cost may include expenses related to implementing and maintaining compliance measures, such as conducting audits, providing training, or purchasing necessary equipment. Ultimately, these costs can be passed on to consumers through higher prices or absorbed by the company itself, affecting its profitability.
The (consumer) of the product. Companies must pass on the added cost of government regulation/compliance to the products they sell or manufacture, therefore the end user will pay the added cost.
The impact of a tax refers to the person who pays it to the government in the first instance. The incidence of a tax refers to the money burden of a tax on the person who ultimately pays it. - MP
The importance of political environment in a business setting is the regulation of the business. Sometimes the government needs to regulate a business to make sure all customers of that business are treated fairly. Regulations are also in place to make sure the business pays appropriate taxes and obeys government regulations that protect the environment.
we do
You do, the dealer may roll it into the price,but ultimately you do
Congress is paid by the government, which means that taxpayers ultimately cover the salaries and expenses of Congress members. Their salaries and benefits are determined by legislation and are public record.
The government
The United States government