The quote is more vernacular: "If I'd known I was gonna live this long, I'd have taken a lot better care of myself." Mickey Mantle (1931-1995) said it, but the quote is attributed to football player Bobby Layne (1926-1986).
If your child has been placed in your mother's care and you want to better yourself, that is a good thing. It is not bad if you need to move away for a short time to get a good job so you can be a better mother.
they are being put in zoos where they are taken better care of.
If you have taken bad care of them you would have to get shots
I myself and male and typically when a guy asks Why you are ignoring them, usually it means they are intrested in you and are trying to get to know you better. yes they care about you.
I went to a wellness fair last week and learned a lot of different ways to take better care of myself.
They are taken care of by the mother.
Why would you care? I would worry about myself, we are all people. He is just a human, worry about your own life, not his.
Xbox 360. They work for a long time if taken care of, the games are great, and Xbox live couldn't be any better!
because they need to be taken care of , and how would they be born.
I need to take care of myself so I can be there for the people I love and care about. It is not being selfish to do so. I need to listen to myself an follow what my maker has in store for my life!
It depends on the state and who owns the house. Your better off moving out till things are taken care of.