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Tim Elmore

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Q: Who said Even the most introverted individual will influence 10000 other people during his or her lifetime?
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Do individual or population evolve?

a population adapts over time. an individual cannot adapt during its lifetime. it happens over many generations.

Was Albert Einstein quiet when he was a little boy?

Yes, Albert Einstein was described as a quiet and introverted child during his early years. He was known to be a curious and contemplative individual who often preferred solitary activities and deep thinking.

Did Martin Luther king jr have an influence on gay rights?

He was certainly an inspiration, but during his lifetime, the gay rights movement was underground and unknown in society.

How many developmental stages to individual passes through during a lifetime?

An individual typically passes through four key developmental stages in a lifetime: infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. These stages are characterized by physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes that occur as a person grows and matures.

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The term for this theory is Lamarckism, named after the French biologist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. According to Lamarckism, traits acquired during an individual's lifetime can be inherited by their offspring. This concept has been largely discounted in modern biology in favor of the theory of inheritance through genetic material.

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It is difficult to give an exact percentage as the influence of peer pressure can vary greatly depending on the individual and the situation. However, research suggests that a large majority of people have experienced peer pressure in some form during their lifetime.

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No there was not a war going on during Tycho Brahe's lifetime.

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During Blackwell's lifetime, women had no collective representation

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Mendel was the scientist that was largely ignored during his lifetime.

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The individual who received the most Oscars was Walt Disney, who received a total of 20 in different categories during his lifetime, and four more after his death.

Do confucianist believe in afterlife?

They do not. But they do believe that if you were good during your lifetime then when you die, Confucian will honor you just like you honored him during your lifetime.

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