Sam, the 11-year-old stepson of Liam Neeson's character, is played by Thomas Brodie-Sangster (credited in this movie as Thomas Sangster).
Joanna Page.
Bill Nighy plays the Billy Mack character in the 2003 film Love Actually. Love Actually is a 2003 British Christmas romantic film which was directed and written by Richard Curtis.
She actually has to love him. You cant force love. It has to just come when it's ready.
The quote is actually "I am just a girl standing in front of a boy asking him to love her" and it is from Notting Hill
Actually, the green hornet is a boy. He is played by Seth Rogen
He could think he's in love, but he'd really have no idea what being in love actually is.
An 'enthusiast'. Example: "Boy, my brother sure is a golf enthusiast. He plays a round every chance he gets."
I LOVE PRODIGY SO Much i wanna see him from breianne
Alan Rickman stars in Die Hard, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991) and Love, Actually. In Die Hard, he plays Hans Gruber, a glorified robber plotting to steal millions from a Los Angeles office building. In Robin Hood, he plays Sheriff George of Nottingham. In Love, Actually, he plays Harry, husband to Karen (Emma Thompson) and struggling with the prospect of having an affair with his secretary.
Nina Sosanya plays Annie, the Prime Minister's female assistant.
Of course they can, unlessof course they don;t actually love each other.
Hey Gurl!!! do you actually know the boy??? if you do then tell him exactly how u feel