It's a type of French kiss where the only part of your bodies touching is the kiss.
you go to his concert or win something meet him and out of know where kiss him
i will
dont is a word to do not do soomthing and do is to do something like if i say have a kiss u have a kiss ya know what a mean
Yes they can kiss but probably don't know how. They sometimes kiss another 1yr old baby friend on the cheek to be sweet or something but that's it. They don't actually kiss.
he will kiss you over and over If her accepts you for who you are, and when you kiss or touch, or even just look at him, you feel something and there is butterflies in your stomach.
Well u need to know what a French kiss is and it's better to kiss in private. It might be weird to kiss In front of ur friends or something. I have a boyfriend and he wants to French kiss me and I'm a little scared but I want to kiss him so I will! And he has already TRYED to kiss me before. I just dident know...
you don't panic. if your not ready to kiss tell her date that. if you are ready then go for it just if you get uncomfortable then stop the kiss and move on. if you don't know how to kiss then practice on something like a mirror.
look at him and smile and eventually he will look at you and say what or something like that eventually he will kiss you but deny every thing tell him your just thinking about something
You can't. It's something amazing that takes you by surprise. Everybody has different preferences on how they kiss. But you know, if you're nervous, the back of your hand'll have to do. ;)
I know this is an alien concept to your generation but.... try TALKING to him ! You never know - you might actually have something in common !
Nope! Not that the fans know about! Were still waiting for something to happen between them...
i don't know who but i know what band inspired Andy.that band is KISS, this it just one of the bands Andy liked, but i know that when Andy was younger, his dad gave him a pack of kiss Cd's or cards or something