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The employee is hired to do work by the employer.

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Q: Who is the person who hires someone else to do work?
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A person who is a 'tool' is someone who is controlled by someone else, and is doing some kind of dirty work for that other person does not want to do.

What does it mean if someone calls you a tool?

A tool is something that is used to do work. A person who is "a tool" is someone who is controlled by someone else, and is doing some kind of dirty work that the other person does not want to do.

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What do you mean by oppressed?

When people say opressed they mean that they OR the person was held against there will to do the work of someone else. for example being a slave is a form of opression. When people say opressed they mean that they OR the person was held against there will to do the work of someone else. for example being a slave is a form of opression.

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Copying someone else's work without permission is called plagiarism.

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I'd say you're a moonwalk renter.

What is to repeat someone else words in speech or writing called?

It is called quoting (or to quote) the person and you should do also giving acknowledgement to the person and in which work he wrote it.

Can a person on disablity for 15 years work in Texas if so what is the amount a person can make is there a lenght of time you can work per year if still disabled but limited to what a person can do?

dont know ask someone else

How can someone do the same amount of work as someone else but still be less powerful than the other person?

Power is all about how quickly you are able to transfer energy. Work done can be done slowly or quickly!