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her teeth go squeeky like mine

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Q: Who is the girl in the pro expert advert who says look sqeaky clean as she rubs her teeth?
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What is aodontologist expert?

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yes fruit does clean you teeth

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when we clean our teeth we brush it...

What form of energy needed to clean your teeth?

when we clean our teeth we brush it...

How would foam help to clean teeth?

foam helps clean our teeth because it can spread all over your teeth and make them clean.

How does tooth paste clean teeth?

Because the cleaning minerals in the toothpaste clean your teeth squeaky clean!

How does tooth paste clean your teeth?

Because the cleaning minerals in the toothpaste clean your teeth squeaky clean!

Can an assistant clean teeth?

That is generally a job of a dental assistant to help clean teeth.

How do san people clean their teeth?

to clean their teeth they chew on soft tree sticks.

How do you get a white teeth?

daily two time clean your teeth when u eat food item such as sweets clean your teeth

why are rats clean?

Rats Are Clean. Despite their reputation as “filthy,” rats are actually very clean animals. “Because rats groom themselves constantly, they have almost no odor,” says Debbie Ducommum in Rats: Practical, Accurate Advice From the Expert. “They don’t need you to groom them or brush their teeth.