The Trevor Project is named after the film Trevor and its titular character. The organization was founded by the writer, director, and producer of the film, which features a gay thirteen-year-old attempting suicide after being rejected by his friends. HBO was about to air the award-winning film when its makers realized there was no resource for youth in such a situation and proceeded to establish The Trevor Project.
The Trevor Project was created in 1998.
The Trevor Project was founded in 1998.
I can find saints named Treves and Treviso but no saint named Trevor.
The Trevor Project is an American based organisation and only accepts calls from the US, so unfortunately not.
His Toad is named "Trevor"
Jerry, in the film Pay it Forward, is the first person of three to be helped in Trevor's project. Jerry helps bring closure by continuing the project after Trevor's death, helping keep Trevor's memory alive.
Well, technically, no he does not. But he does have a wife named Erin. =) The song "Moment of Truth" by McNevan's side project entitled FM Static was used to propose to her.
Yes, they had a kid named Gordon.
Me ( being named Trevor) i know the name is Welsh and English origin and it means a " large settlement" or "Homeland"
Badly burned
He's not gay. He's married to a woman named Robin.
Heck yeah it does. Look on urbandictionary. so screw any guy named trevor (Kyle and Evan have one too)