In terms of money, someone who has billions of dollars and can do whatever they want is certainly considered rich, and someone who is barely able or unable to meet their basic needs for food, shelter, etc. is considered poor. Between those two extremes, richness can be relative. One who has less money, but knows how to budget it and stays out of debt could be considered richer than one who has lots of money, but spends it unwisely and has gobs of credit card bills.
Some view rich and poor in light of factors other than money. For example: Matthew 5-7says "Live for the One who is love, and then you will be rich." Those who are poor don't have the Holy Spirit.
rich and poor
It is rich and poor . It is rich and poor .
Neither, not rich or poor.
who knows the lady can be rich or poor who knows the lady can be rich or poor who knows the lady can be rich or poor
Yes it it rich and poor. Which country?
not rich or poor
he was poor, then rich after his music
rich and poor
poor / rich
they were not rich and they were not poor they were in the middle
in beenteen rich and poor