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Your father's brother is your uncle.

Your uncle's child (son or daughter) is your first cousin.

Your first cousin's child (son or daughter) is your first cousin, once removed, and you child's second cousin.

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Q: Who is my father's brother's daughter's daughter?
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What if your sisters fathers brothers daughters mother?

your auntie.. your sisters father is your dad..your dads brother is your uncle..your uncles daughter is your cousin and your cousins mother is your auntie:)!

How is your fathers fathers brothers sons daughter related to you?

your 5th cousin

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4 daughters, 3 sons.

What is the relationship between a fathers son and the fathers daughters son?

The father's son is the uncle of the son of the father's daughter.

Can you marry fathers sisters daughters daughter?

That would be your cousin so no you can't.

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What is the relationship between a fathers son and the fathers daughters daughter?

It Depends. Not every daughter father relationship is the same. There are daughters who hate their father. And their are some who love them because there he onlyones there for them. Everybody's different.

What does your daughter call your fathers brothers son?

Your father's brother's son is your first cousin and your daughter's second cousin.

A Woman Got 6 Daughters Each Has One Brother How Many Kids This Woman Have?

If there are 6 daughters and each daughter has one brother, that means there are 6 brothers. 6 daughters and 6 brothers = 12 children by using addition.

What do daughters wish their fathers knew?

Every father daughter relationship is different. Probably most fathers would want their daughters to know that they deserve to be treated well, and that they should treat others well. They would want them to know their self worth.

Why do you like my daughter?

Most fathers find their daughters beautiful even if the daughter is not. Some fathers and daughters are normally close and the daughter may feel she can confide in her father more than her mother. However, if the father is sexually attractive to his daughter this is not normal and he should seek psychological treatment before any damage is done.

Brothers and sisters you have none but your daughters uncle is her grandmothers son?

If you have no siblings but your daughter has an uncle, he is the brother of your spouse, your brother-in-law.