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She was cosnidered by many people to have been the first computer programmer.

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Q: Who is lady Ada agusta Byron?
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What machine was invented by Charles Babbage and lady agusta Ada Byron?

The link has what you are looking for.

Who are the men behind the computer?

the men behind computers are Charles Babbage,Lady Agusta Ada Byron

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Lady Augusta Ada Byron?

Lady Augusta Ada Byron is thought to be the world's first computer programmer. She created an algorithm that was used in Charles Babbage's Analytic machine.

What career did Lady Byron not want Ada Lovelace to be?

an enginer

Invention of lady Ada Byron and how it is work?

it is a computer program in punched cards

What was Lady Ada Byron Lovelace first job?

Ada Byron Lovelace inherited the gift of intelligence of her father, Lord Byron. She was a brilliant mathematician, who along with Charles Babbage, worked to create the first programmable computer. Ada spent her life and did all of her work in England.

Where did Lady Lovelace go to school Her full name is Ada Byron Lovelace?

She was homeschooled by her mum and he name is augusat Ada lovelace .....

Who helped Babbage in his work?

Lady Ada Lovelace (daughter of the poet, Lord Byron).

Who is lady Augusta Ada lovelace famous father?

lord Byron (lord ma bruder)

How did Ada Byron become Ada Byron lovelace?

she program that to now how to internet

Who is lady Augusta Ada Byron?

Lady Augusta Ada Byron, also called as Ada Lovelace, was an English mathematician. She was also a writer. She is often called as the first computer programmer who contributed to Charles Babbage's early mechanical general-purpose computer and the Analytical Engine. The first algorithm was written by her on engine to be performed by a machine.