Pere Fouettard is the name for Father Spanker in french. J'ai été mauvais means "I have been bad. The story about Father Spanker is that he is called that in Northern France, and he is opposite of "Pere Noel" (Father Christmas) and spanks bad little children. How's that instead of coal?
"Father Spanker", or "Pere Fouettard" Is typically shown as an evil-looking Santa or elf holding a whip or bunch of sticks to spank naughty children, usually shown in older pictures with St. Nicholas or "Santa Claus". "Father Spanker" is also shown as the evil butcher in the story of three children who wandered away and got lost. Cold and hungry, "Pere Fouettard" lured them into his shop where he attacked and salted them away in a large tub. Through the intervention of St. Nicholas the boys were restored back to life, and returned to their families.
spanker plug! spanker plug!ohh my gosh!
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The aftermost sail in a multi-masted boat is typically the mizzen, but in some rigs can be called the spanker as well.
Hindmost; nearest the stern; as, the mizzen shrouds, sails, etc., The hindmost of the fore and aft sails of a three-masted vessel; also, the spanker.
In my family, and most, the spanker was almost always my mother. Of course, it has been a while since any spankings have gone on but as children it was usually my mother to be the one to raise the hand.
The practice is known as exporting. Exporting involves selling surplus resources or goods to other countries to generate income and balance the demand and supply dynamics in the domestic market.
The cast of London Assurance - 1913 includes: Irving Cummings as Dazzle Edgena De Lespine as Lady Gay Spanker Ethel Phillips as Grace Harkaway Henry Walton as Sir Harcourt Courtly
A: Try 'Density'. hello, my name is Cherubim, and i am improving this worthless answer that some tosser decided to post. the answer is in-fact MASS. p.s. a tosser is a gormless oik. an in between of an idiot and a twit. also known as "rabbit rider" or "money spanker" ENJOY!!
Man's father = My father's son. My father's son = me. That man's father = me. I am the father of my son.