choking, i guess...
drowning and choking
Choking or vomiting
Choking or vomiting
Choking or vomiting
Choking or vomiting
The most common household emergency in Milwaukee, WI is choking. The second common household emergency is drownings and fires.
Anaphylactic shock Foreign object in throat Choking on unchewed food Asthma
most likely depends how bad the choking was
The most common physiological cause of choking on food is when a piece of food becomes lodged in the trachea or windpipe instead of passing through the esophagus into the stomach. This can occur due to a variety of reasons such as swallowing large pieces of food, not chewing food thoroughly, or having a medical condition that affects swallowing reflexes.
Choking affects the lungs by choking
The most common cause of airway occlusion (airway obstruction) is choking on foreign objects. This means swallowing an obstructive object or having something lodged in your trachea causing the airway to lose its patency.