

Best Answer

no one did, its an element

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Q: Who invented the gold?
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Who invented the gold pan?

nobody knows who invented the gold pan.

Who invented the gold licenses?

Govenor La Trobe invented the gold license system in 1851 (when the gold rush started)

Why were gold licenses invented?

gold license were invented to allow access to other peoples property or land.

Who invented the gold ball in the 1400s?

The person who invented the gold ball in the 1400s was pure genius. He was able to

Which country invented gold nuggets?

Gold is sometimes found in the form of nuggets in nature, and as such wasn't invented by a person.

Who is the inventor of the element gold?

Do you really think someone invented gold

Who invented the gold coin?


Who invented gymnastincs and who won the first gold metal?

Friedrich Jahn invented gymnastics and the first person to get a gold medal was Nadia Comaneci

Who invented the gold leaf electroscope?

The gold leaf electroscope was invented by Abraham Bennet in 1787. It is a simple device used to detect electric charge.

What year was gold invented?

Gold was not invented- it is a natural metal found in the earth. It has been used as a medium of exchange (money) for over 6000 years.

Who invented the gold tooth?

haq dog rahman

Who invented gold teeth?

I think it was a black person