I've been asking this of doctors for the past couple of years. The latest, an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist, said the phlegm is likely from one of two causes -- or both -- that I may not be aware I have. The first is sleep apnea (where you stop breathing off and on through the night); the second is acid reflux. I starting taking prescription medicine (Nexium) to reduce the reflex (even though I had noticed no symptoms of having it), which HAS reduced the frequency of the morning coughing and phlegm from 3-4 days per week to 1-2 times per week. I'm still waiting for a sleep apnea test but I don't think I have that problem either. I've also tried nasal cleaning using a Netti pot with no improvement, monitoring my food intake for triggers, had an allergy test (all clear), so although Nexium has diminished the problem a bit, I still have found no complete solution to this annoying problem. However, others should have all these tests -- especially for Allergies and Asthma and acid reflux.
Excessive and blood-tinged morning phlegm in a nonsmoker can be caused by a variety of factors, such as allergies, infections, postnasal drip, dry air, or sinus issues. It is important to consult a healthcare provider for a proper evaluation to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment.
Phlegm would be described as sputum only after it is expelled from the body. The word sputum literally means, that which has been spit.
Phlegm is mucous. It is generally referred to as "phlegm" and sometimes as "sputum" when referring to mucous found in the throat or expelled from the lungs/bronchial passages by way of a cough.
Phlegm will go into your stomach and the acid in your stomach will dispose of it naturally, just the way it does when you swollow food. It is not harmful to swallow phlegm.
Phlegm helps to trap foreign materials such as dirt, microbes and pollutants from going further into the body. Phlegm comes in different colors from shades of green to white.
Phlegm is a sticky substance produced by the respiratory system to help trap and clear away germs and irritants.
Either he has phlegm in his throat or he's trying to get her attention. Depends on if he does this only when he sees her. And possibly that he's clearing his throat because he's getting prepared to talk to her. Again phlegm.
clear phlegm is normal. Red,Green,yellow is not normal---get help.
Cough medicines may help either to control coughing or loosen the phlegm.