Colin Powell married Alma Johnsen in 1962, and had one child, Michael Powell, in 1963.
Michael, Linda, and Ann are colin powell's kids names.
yes five kids
Colin Powell was born on April 5, 1937.
Colin Powell was born on April 5, 1937.
Colin's sisters name is Marilyn Powell and had a career is a teacher.
Colin Powell has 1 sister her name is Marilyn Powell Colin and Marilyns parents are Luther and Maud Powell.
Colin Powell's hobbies include golf and ping pong.
Colin Powell is a former US Secretary of State. The address to write to him is: Colin Powell, 909 North Washington St., Suite 767, Alexandria, VA 22314.
Colin Powell married Alma Johnson on August 25, 1962.
Colin Powell's parents are Maud Arial and Luther Theophilus Powell.
Colin Powell married Alma Johnson on August 25, 1962.
Colin Powell received the Soldier's Medal for bravery for his efforts in the Vietnam war. Colin Powell was the Secretary of the State from 2001 to 2005.