im not for sure for sure but i think logicly that the dad is mr. wclain and the mom is missus mclain unless she kept her maids name.
tyler perry
The older is five feet eight, and the middle child is five feet five, I think.
china anne mclains birthday is august 25 1998 or september 25 1998
August 25, 1998
yellow tht is so easy
415-728-7801 or 425-245-6771
my mom
China Ann Mcclain wheres weave.
It wasn't
we do not really know sorry. but one more thing whoever is saying bad names please stop
China Ann McClain has a crush on this guy name Nyjole whoo is not really a robot. ok now its a different person. ur talking about china parks. her stage name. china ann mcclain doesnt have a crush.