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The aneasthetist

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Q: Who administers medicine to cause the loss of sensation during surgery?
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Related questions

What is a anasteziologist?

administration of medications to cause loss of sensation or feeling during surgery.

Who administers the local anesthetic to an eye surgery patient?

An anesthesiologist may be on hand during surgery to administer the local anesthetic.

What is an anesthesiologists?

a doctor who gives anesthia to people during birth or surgery

What is thrombin typically prescribed for?

Thrombin is prescribed when you have minor bleeding (it controls the bleeding), and if you bleed during surgery. This medicine is applied only to your skin or incision during surgery.

Is it a necessity for a veterinarian to perform surgery during their career?

No you can go into the medicine or research careers :)

What has the author William Bayard written?

William Bayard has written: 'An address upon the progress of medicine, surgery and hygiene, during the last 100 years' -- subject(s): Medicine, Surgery, Hygiene

What is the scope of anaesthesia drugs?

Anethesia drugs are mainly used in medicine especially in surgery where there is need to keep the patient asleep during the whole surgery

How do doctors use graphs?

measure diffrent types of medicine and to see how far to cut into someone during surgery.

What is it called when you awake during surgery and the drugs fail to put you asleep?

Surgical Recall [That depends on the goal of the surgery. Conscious sedation= where the goal is to reduce the sensation of surgery, but to keep you from deep anesthesia, a state where it is necessary to control your breathing. Anesthesia= where the goal is to eliminate all sensation and pain of surgery, necesitating control of your blood pressure, breathing, and heart rate. A failure to achieve complete anesthesia when it is ethically necessary to do so is malpractice. ]

What type of medicine do you take for colon cancer?

Treatment of colon cancer is strictly surgical, medications taken are during preparation for surgery (as antibiotics), & after surgery. Chemotherapy could be used for advanced stages

What over the counter pain medicine can you take the night before surgery?

It depends on where the surgery will occur.....

What is the prognosis for limb salvage surgery?

During the five to 10 days the patient remains in the hospital following surgery, nurses monitor sensation and blood flow in the affected extremity