the passage of maternal antibodies to her developing fetus!for more research ,please le me know!INDAMUTSA,N.U.R,FACULTY OF SCIENCES.
Your immune system helps protect against disease by identifying and killing pathogens. Immunization is a way of producing immunity to particular diseases by using a tiny amount of a destroyed or frail microorganism that causes the particular disease.
No, immunity is also acquired from the mother and naturally through the interaction with our environment. Immunity can also be acquired by contracting a mild form of some diseases. Efforts to give a child a completely sterile environment may prove to be counter productive resulting in less resistance to disease and diseases that have grown more virulent. Many childhood diseases have been wiped out through immunization programs.
People do not develop immunity to UTI in the way that they may against, say, chickenpox or hepatitis B.
No actually having had the illnes can in some case give you immunity if it doesn't kill you
active immunization by vaccination
If someone has already been infected with chickenpox, they are immune to it. Vaccines are also available. You have immune system in your body. This system recognizes the 'Foreign protein' that has entered in your body in the form of infection. It give rise to cell mediated and humeral immunity against the various infections, once you catch the same. Immunity against the virus infection is usually life long as against the bacterial infections. You get immunity to chickenpox by way of immunization. You can get passive immunity by injecting the chickenpox immunoglobins. Thirdly you can get the immunity by catching the disease by deliberate exposure of the child to chickenpox patient. After the attack of chickenpox you have immunity against the virus.
Natural immunity to chickenpox results from previous infection. There is no other way to be naturally immune to chickenpox. Sometimes, the previous infection may be mild enough that the disease was not noticed. You can become artificially immune to chickenpox by getting chickenpox vaccine.
Both active and passive immunity provide protection against specific pathogens. Active immunity is developed by the body after exposure to a pathogen or through vaccination, while passive immunity is acquired through the transfer of pre-formed antibodies from another source. Both types of immunity are specific to the pathogen encountered or targeted by the antibodies.
Passive immunization is by transferring antibodies produced by one person to another person. This is ideally a natural way to immunize someone without the vaccinations they would have to do otherwise. This method is desired for health, lifestyle, or religious purposes.
contribution of biology to human welfare is great .biology helps in increasing food production ,preventing and curing deaseas protecting envorionment and many other field. some of the practical application of biology are discussed below :IMMUNIZATION BY VACCINATION :vaccines are antigens which are modified in such a way that they can promote active immunity when introduced in the body without causing the deases.
Cholera immunization protect only 60 % of the patients. That is the opportunity to give the health education to the patient, regarding the prevention of the cholera. By proper sanitation and personal hygiene you can go a long way to prevent cholera.
What is the way to organize and record results and observation?