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Cleanse with warm water (not hot as hot water will dehydrate the skin) to open the pores. Follow your cleansing process with a toner at room temperature or a splash of cool water to close the pores before using a moisturizer.

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14y ago
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15y ago

Hot water, it opens your pores. You may want to try soap or face wash, too.

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14y ago

Warm water is better for your body. Warm water is also better for your teeth when you clean them.

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12y ago

cold water is the best option.

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4y ago

Warm water opens pores...cold water closes pores. I have been successfully(!) using very(!) hot water (followed with topical iodine) to eliminate an itchy skin infestation of what I believe is a fungus.

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Q: Which water is best for face wash cold or hot?
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How do you wash your face with warm water?

No, you should wash your face with cold water only...No, you should wash your face with cold water only...2. Princess LizzoThis is what I do x You will need:Wash basinFlannelFace Wash (one which is good for you, I use Johnson's 3 in 1)A moisturiser (how ever you spell it .. lolio)Step 1:Wash your face with warm water and then apply a small amount of face wash liquid onto you fingers and apply to the face in circular motions (Make sure you rub it in around your hairline and on your jaw line). The cream should go bubbly :)Step 2:Wash the facial wash off with warm water again and then wash your face with cold water to close your pores.Step 3:Dab your face with a flannel to dry your face.Step 4:Moisturise you faceStep 5:Admire you beautiful skin x3. Okay, prior to theory, cold water acctually expend pores and warm water closes them(warm water makes skin aroudn pores expend therefore make pores in-between smaller and vice versa with cold water, scientificly proven by the way) So wet face with COLD water to open pores, and warm water to rinse*i know it sounds insane.

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Wash your face with salty water.

What is the best way to clean your face?

The best way to wash your face is to use lukewarm water to wet the face and then gently applying soap in circular motions.

How do you clean your face?

EVERY NIGHT I do not go to sleep unless I have washed my face with cold (not too cold) water and cloriphill. The kind of skin type you have is essential to the kind of face cleanser you use. I advice not to use roughness or extreme temperature on face. 2.You will need:* Wash basin * Flannel * Face Wash (one which is good for you, I use Johnson's 3 in 1) * A moisturiser (how ever you spell it .. lolio) Step 1:Wash your face with warm water and then apply a small amount of face wash liquid onto you fingers and apply to the face in circular motions (Make sure you rub it in around your hairline and on your jaw line). The cream should go bubbly :)Step 2:Wash the facial wash off with warm water again and then wash your face with cold water to close your pores.Step 3:Dab your face with a flannel to dry your face.Step 4:Moisturise you faceStep 5:Admire you beautiful skin x

What is the best way to prevent a cold after shaking hands with someone who has a cold?

wash you hands with hot water

How do you use pendram plus cream?

while on sleeping we have to wash our face with cold water and put the cream on our face neatly and sleep in a dark condition

How do you use a cable toner?

Choose the brand of toner that's best for your and wash your face with cold water thoroughly. When you're finish with those two steps apply the toner and then moisturize.

Which face wash is best for our face?

It depends on what skin type do you have. But I preferred to look for face wash that water base only. Its good to your skin. Its less acidity which is good for you. And I advice you to consult to a dermatologist.

Best Face Wash Shop?

Best Face Wash Shop Face Wash shop is a popular online platform for beauty lovers. Here you will find all kinds of authentic facial wash.

What is a good skin routine?

For a DRY face: Morning- wash face (in shower or in sink) exfoliate face moisterize Night- wash face (in shower or sink) moisterize For an OILY face: Morning- wash face (in shower ir sink) exfoliate splash cold water on face (close pores) Night- wash face (shower/sink) moisterize (even if you have oily skin because it will reduce the appearance of pores) For a COMBONATION face: Morning- wash face (shower/sink) Night- wash face (shower/sink) exfoliate moisterize

What is the best way to keep your skin healthy?

drink lots of water and wash your face reguarly.

What is the best acne prouct?

Just use water, Noxima, cucumber, lemon, daily face wash, and drink water