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Q: Which type of sensory receptor enables you to see?
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What type of sensory receptor enables you to see?


What type of sensory enables you to see?


Where can you see adaptation of the nerve cells in the simple sensory receptor?

Adaptation of nerve cells in simple sensory receptors can be seen in how they respond differently to constant stimuli over time. For example, in a pressure receptor in the skin, the nerve cells may initially fire rapidly in response to pressure but then slow down as they adapt to the constant pressure stimulus.

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A flashlight is a type of tool that enables people to see in the dark.

What a slide view?

It enables you to see a single slide and work on it.It enables you to see a single slide and work on it.It enables you to see a single slide and work on it.It enables you to see a single slide and work on it.It enables you to see a single slide and work on it.It enables you to see a single slide and work on it.It enables you to see a single slide and work on it.It enables you to see a single slide and work on it.It enables you to see a single slide and work on it.It enables you to see a single slide and work on it.It enables you to see a single slide and work on it.

What is the function of the antenna in the grasshopper?

These antennas can be used as a sensory device or to help balance 1. pheromone receptor 2. chemical receptor 3. smell receptor 4. mechano receptor 5. organ tactile receptor

Is the word see a sensory word?

Yes, the word "see" is a sensory word, referring to the use of the sense of sight.

Are some alien races eyeless?

If alien races are eyeless they would need a way to see with some other type of sensory system.

What enables us to see?


What is the functions of the sensory systems?

The function of the sensory system, from the word itself is Sensory in nature. This means that sensory organs are the ones that functions as the way the person smell, see, touch, hear and taste.Novanet: Thinking

What is Estrogen receptor?

It is a test to see if a breast cancer needs estrogen to grow

What is the sense that enables us to see?

sense of sight..