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Your nose and lungs...

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Q: Which two systems help you to breathe?
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What two things in the nose that help to clean the air you breathe?

The two main things in the nose that help to clean the air we breathe are tiny hairs called cilia and mucus. The cilia trap dust, bacteria, and other particles, while the mucus helps to moisten the air and trap any foreign particles before they can reach the lungs.

Do fish breathe with the help of gills or guilds?

Fish breathe with the help with gills.

What two body systems help with blushing?

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What tubes help you to breathe?

There are a number of tubes that help you breathe. The bronchial tubes are the largest.

What will help your car go faster?

Not knowing what the vehicle is, you can help the engine breathe better with aftermarket intake air filter systems and exhaust systems. Also, installing a turbo is a good way to put some zip into the engine. All it takes is money and plenty of it.

How does a plant help a person?

PLants help people many ways. they breathe in carbon dioxide, which is what we breathe out. they breathe out oxygen, which is what we breathe in. without plants, we'd die from suffocation.

What is the verb in the sentence plants help us to breathe?

the answer is breathe.

How does frogs breathe on land and on water?

on land , frogs breathe with the help of lungs , and in water , with the help of gills.

How does potassium sulfate help you breathe?

Potassium sulfate does not help you breathe. It is used mostly as a fertilizer, not as a medicine.

What do our lungs help you do?


What does the lungs help you do?


How do you state that animals use their reproductive systems to produce of spring?

they breathe