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Remember: Pure As Gold--- purines are arginine and guanine

so, pyrimidines must be thymine and cytosine


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Guanine and adenine

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Q: Which nucleotides are pyrimidines
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Purines and pyrimidines are?

Purines and pyrimidines are nitrogen bases found in DNA and RNA .They are nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds .Purines are large double ringed while pyrimidines are small single ringed .

What molecules make up the rungs of a DNa ladder?

purines, pyrimidines, nucleotides and nitrogen bases.

In DNA molecules nucleotides bond together according to the nitrogenous bases Which of the following correctly describes how nitrogenous bases bond together?

Purines bond to pyrimidines

What do molecules contain?

DNA contains nitrogenous base pairs (purines and pyrimidines), along with deoxyribose sugar, nucleosides and nucleotides.

Addenine and guanine are single-ringed purines?

Adenine and Guanine are just purines (the other nucleotides are pyrimidines), and these have one 6-parts ring with 3-parts ring attached.

What nucleotides can be held together by weak hydrogen bonds?

DNA contains four nucleotide bases, which are adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine. The pairs of nucleotides that can be held together by weak hydrogen bonds are purines and pyrimidines.

How would the deoxyribose sugar phosphate back bone of nucleotide chains look if purines paired only with purines and pyrimidines paired only with pyrimidines?

Watson thought of that as possible when he was under a misapprehension as to the structure of the nucleotides ( he thought enol when it was keto ). The backbone would be kinked and crooked, not smooth and seamless as it truly is.

What is Thymine and cytosine also called?

Thymine and cytosine are two nitrogen bases found in DNA. DNA is composed of thousands of nucleotides which are composed of one of four nitrogen bases. Both of these nitrogen bases are also pyrimidines, or they have one ring like structure See related link for more info on thymine, cytosine and pyrimidines.

What is the major difference between nucleotides of deoxyribonuleic acid and ribonucleic acid?

DNA: Purines: Adenine, Guanine Pyrimidines: Thymine, Cytosine RNA uses uracil instead of thymine Hope this helps

Which bases are considered pyrimidines?

There are three nucleobases in nucleic acids that are considered pyrimidines or pyrimidine derivatives. Uracil, cytosine, and thymine are the three pyrimidines.

What does the structure for a pyrimidine look like?

It depends on the context. In a biological context, pyrimidines are the nucleotides with a single ring in the nitrogenous base. These include thymine and cytosine in DNA and uracil and cytosine in RNA. In an organic chemistry context, the answer is longer.

Which nitrogen bases in DNA are pyrimidines?

Cytosine, uracil and thymine are the three pyrimidines.