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what stimulant do chocolate and coffee have in common?

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14y ago

They both have caffeine in them as a stimulant.

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Q: Which stimulant do chocolate and coffee have in?
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Which stimulant do chocolate and coffee have in common?

Chocolate contains sugar and caffeine, both of which are stimulants.

What is a stimulant found if coffee?

The answer to your question, What's a stimulant found in tea, cola, chocolate, and coffee?' The answer would be caffeine. Yes I am sure this is the answer. It truly is I know for sure! That is why most people drink coffee, tea, or cola in the morning and why people love chocolate so much.caffeine

Is coffee a stimulant?

Caffeine contained in coffee is a stimulant.

Name three types of stimulants?

Three types of stimulants are:Cocaine,Alcohol,and coffee,along with tea and chocolate,contains caffeine,a mild stimulant.

What stimulant is in coffee?

The caffeine.

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What stimulant is found in chocolate?


Is coffee a depressant?

No. Coffee, due to a high caffeine content, is a stimulant.

What is mixture of coffee and chocolate called?

A mixture of coffee and chocolate is often called a mocha. It combines the rich flavors of coffee and chocolate to create a delicious beverage.

Is hot chocolate better than coffee?

Yes coffee is better than hot chocolate

Does coffee affect a persons mood?

Caffeine, found in coffee, tea, chocolate, and colas, is a stimulant. It can cause anxiety and insomnia. It can also make you feel jittery or restless. Drinking too much can certainly affect your mood. It is also a diuretic, and can make you feel more thirsty!

How coffee acts as stimulant?

It contains caffeine, which is a diuretic and a stimulant. It works by blocking sleepy signals to the brain; thus decreasing your tiredness.