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Q: Which relationship below is an example of a predator-prey relationship?
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What is an example of a predatorprey relationship?

shark and tuna can be considered as predator and prey that shark feeds on other organism and tuna becomes a prey to the sharkoctopus and a crab. the octopus is the predator who eats the prey, the crab

Is there a predatorprey relationship between a parasite and its host?

yes, because the parasite is taking from the host and the host is not getting anything from it (unless the parasite is taking bad things from the host, which would mean it depends on the species of parasite).

Above is to below as?

Since the relationship between above and below is that they are opposites,the second pair in the analogy can be any two opposites. Example: above - below as up -down

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This is an example of a symbiotic relationship.

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Jerry Sandusky

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Dogs/fleas is an example of a Host/parasite relationship.

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An example of an indirect relationship is like a blind date or dating online.

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they are equivalent

Can you use relationship in a sentence?

Example sentence - The relationship between twins is remarkable.