From a vertical point of view, the plane that divides the body into left and right portions is the lateral plane or sagittal plane. Dividing the body into planes makes studying anatomy less confusing as body parts can be more easily identified.
The midsagittal plane divides the body into identical left and right arts.
The sagittal plane divides the body into unequal right and left parts.
Yes, a midsagittal plane divides the body into two equal left and right halves.
Anterior and posterior portions. It divides the body into front and back portions.
The sagittal plane divides the body into right and left halves.
The section that divides the body on the longitudinal plane into equal right and left parts is called the midsagittal plane. This plane passes through the midline of the body, creating symmetrical halves.
Sagittal Plane
Axial plane (Transverse Plane) which is a horizontal plane that divides the body or any of its parts into upper and lower parts. If you mean the entire body, it runs horizontality through the umbilicus or navel.
You have three such planes. First is sagittal plane. Sagitta means arrow. So this vertical plane enters your body like and arrow. It divides your body in two equal parts. Then you have a coronal plane at right angle to this plane. It divides your body into anterior and posterior parts. Then you have a transverse plane to make your body into two parts. That is upper and lower parts, when you stand erect.
The sagittal plane divides the body into left and right portions, not interior and posterior portions. The coronal plane divides the body into anterior and posterior portions.
The transverse plane divides the body into the cephalad (head) and caudad (tail) parts. This plane runs horizontally and perpendicular to the long axis of the body.