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Q: Which perspective most clearly focuses on how you learn observable responses?
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Which perspective most clearly focuses on how we learn observable responses?


What is the science that focuses on observable behavior only?

Behaviorism focuses on observable behavior.

What are the Similarities between behaviorism and gestalt psychology?

The behaviourist perspective focuses on the way objects or events in the environment (stimuli) come to control behaviour through learning. Hence, it focuses on the relationship between external (environmental) events and observable behaviours whereas the cognitive perspective focuses on the way people perceive, process and retrieve information. In comparison to both, they acknowledge the environment as a stimulus.

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What is behaviourist perspectives?

Behaviorist perspective believes in directly observable behavior and strongly focuses on how the environment and reinforcer (reward and punishment) have an impact on peoples behavior. Humanistic perspective believe that we should focus on our conscious experiences and strongly believe in human reaching their full potential. Humanistic tend to disagree with behaviorist as far as the manner goes of studying observable behavior and Humanistic perspective believes even if it can not be directly observed it should still be focused on.

What perspective focuses on free will and self-actualization?

Humanist perspective

What perspective focuses on free will and self-actuallization?

Humanist perspective

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The cognitive perspective focuses on cognition. The cognitive perspective looks at how our thought processes affect our behaviors and feelings.

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The biological perspective focuses on the links between biology and behavior.

Which perspective focuses on free will and self actualization?


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The psychodynamic perspective traditionally focuses on deficits and problem in early development. Identify limitations to this approach.

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