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The male gamete - spermatozoon and the female gamete - ovum.

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Q: Which pair of gametes can unite to produce a zygote that will develop into a normal human male embryo?
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Does meiosis use normal body cells to produce gametes?

No, meiosis does not use normal body cells to produce gametes. Meiosis is a specialized type of cell division that occurs in the reproductive organs to produce gametes (sperm and egg cells) with half the number of chromosomes as a normal body cell.

What is a viable embryo?

A viable embryo is an embryo that has the potential to develop into a healthy offspring under normal conditions. This typically means it has successfully reached a developmental stage where it can be transferred or implanted into a uterus to continue its growth into a fetus.

Does oogenesis involve meiosis?

Yes, oogenesis involves meiosis. In this process, a diploid cell undergoes two rounds of cell division to produce haploid eggs, which have half the number of chromosomes as the original cell.

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In a normal pregnancy the embryo becomes attached to the

How many chromosome' s do people have in their gametes?

People have 23 chromosomes in their gametes – 22 autosomes and one sex chromosome. This is the result of a process called meiosis, which halves the number of chromosomes in a cell to produce gametes with half the genetic material.

What are the main functions of meiosis?

The main function of meiosis is to produce gametes, which are the egg and sperm cells. These cells have half of the number of chromosomes that are in a normal body cells.

How many chromosomes are in a normal persons gametes?


Process by which the number of chromosomes per cell is cut half used by organisms to produce gametes?

Meiosis takes a cell from 2N (Diploid) to N (haploid) and produces 4 daughter cells at 23 chromosomes. These are the sex gametes. A normal 2N cell would have 46 chromosomes.

Is it normal if there is a sac but no baby at 6wks and ovary swelling?

I am afraid it is unlikely. Ovary swelling is normal as cells in the sac the egg came from grow to provide hormones to maintain a pregnancy but if there is no embryo in the sac you have what is called a blighted ovum which cannot develop into a baby.

What happens if the gametes aren't haploid?

The whole purpose of reducing the gamete to contain half the number of normal chromosomes is so that normal chromosome numbers can be achieved again when the gametes fuse to form a zygote. If the gamete is not halved, polyploidy results. This is a generic term to describe having more than the normal number of chromosomes.

What are the number of gametes made in males?

Gametes are cells that each have half of the normal chromosomes of the individual they belong to. The reason for this is that during reproduction, the chromosomes in each of the gametes add together to create a full set of chromosomes. Each half a set of chromosomes comes from a different person, which is why sexual reproduction produces offspring with mixed and different traits than their parents. The gametes in males are sperm, and the gametes in females are ova(egg cells). I hope this helped out ;)

Normal mice gametes 20 chromosomes. how many chromosomes do normal mice zygotes contain?

The answer is 40