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The Bladder. c: . hope this helps you guys.! :D

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Q: Which of these urine and alerts the brain when it is full?
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Where is your urine stored and alerts the brain when it is full?

It is stored in the urinary bladder.

What alerts the brain and urine when it is full?

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What stores urine and alerts the brain when it is full?

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What stores urine and alerts the brain when its full?

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How does the bladder connect to the brain?

The bladder and brain are connected through the nervous system. Signals from the bladder are sent to the brain via sensory nerves, informing the brain when the bladder is full or empty. The brain then sends signals back to the bladder to control the release of urine.

What can make a HD tv better?

because its really alerts your brain and wakes yourself up

Can you find out what molecules are in your brain from analyzing your urine?

Sometimes. There are certain molecules in the brain that DO NOT cross the blood brain barrier, and so they don't easily leave the brain. These would not appear in the blood or urine to any appreciable extent. However, there are many others that do LEAVE the brain and are found in the cerebral spinal fluid, the blood, and yes, even in the urine. It is not an easy task to measure urine and then figure out what is going on in the brain, however.

What is full form the brain?

Their is no full form of brain.

What is activated as urine accumulates in that bladder?

As urine accumulates in the bladder, stretch receptors in the bladder wall are activated. These receptors send signals to the brain to indicate that the bladder is full and needs to be emptied. This activates the urge to urinate.

Could urine flow through the brain?


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What part of the brain alerts danger and keeps you safe?

Hypothalamus. This is supposed to be the higher center for autonomic nervous system.