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Q: Which of these is considered a risk factor for violent behavior?
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Definition of risk behavior?

Risk behavior is behavior or other factor that places a person at risk for disease. These disease can include HIV/AIDS, diabetes, cancer, etc.

Which area is considered a health risk factor?

The diet that you are eating could be considered a health risk factor. Also, having a lack of exercising everyday.

Is heredity considered a controllable risk factor?

Not yet.

Is Heredity is considered a controllable risk factor?

Not yet.

What key factor(s) should be considered when assessing a Soldier's at risk for private motor vehicle accident?

A sudden or unexplained change in behavior can be a warning sign that indicates risk for several potential sources of loss including?

What key factor(s) should be considered when assessing a Soldier and risk for private motor vehicle accident?

A sudden or unexplained change in behavior can be a warning sign that indicates risk for several potential sources of loss including?

Is heredity considered a controllable risk factor true of false?


Who is most likely to engage in violent behavior?

Individuals with a history of violence, substance abuse, or mental health issues are more likely to engage in violent behavior. Furthermore, people living in violent environments or who have experienced trauma are also at a higher risk.

The most significant individual risk factor for predicting later delinquency is?

The most significant individual risk factor for predicting later delinquency is a history of prior delinquent behavior. Research has consistently shown that individuals who have engaged in delinquent behavior in the past are more likely to continue such behaviors in the future. This pattern of behavior can contribute to a higher risk of future delinquency.

What is meant by the the term risk factor?

A risk factor is any trait, behavior, or condition that increases a person's chance of getting injured or getting a disease. For example, smoking is a risk factor because it increases a person's chance of getting lung cancer and Heart disease.

Which factor needs to be considered when assessing the likelihood of risk harm?

nature of a breach

Which of the following is NOT considered a risk factor considering that wearing PPE can put the responder at considerable risk both physically and psychologically?

Complacency is NOT considered a risk factor in this context. Other risk factors include lack of proper training, inadequate PPE, and exposure to hazardous materials. Complacency may lead to a false sense of security and reduce vigilance during response efforts.