Some prominent diseases in the 1500s were Malaria, Tuberculosis, (Known as Consumption) Smallpox, Parroticitis, Gangrene, Yellow Fever, and many others, though most diseases were simply diagnosed as Consumption. Scurvy was also common among sailors. Malaria was quite possibly the most deadly disease of the 1500s and 1600s. It was transferred by Mosquito bite, and was very common in tropical areas. The cure was quanine, but was largely unavailable due to it's exclusive growth in South America. Tuberculosis, or Consumption, was one of the most common diseases in the 16th and 17th centuries, though this is primarily attributed to the fact that nearly all diseases were labelled "consumption," because of the limited medical knowledge of the time.
we might get addicted to it
Blue Baby Syndrome
Delaware was originally known as New Sweden.
They were originally known as The Puritans
Consumption was a serious disease that is now known as tuberculosis.
The evidence that the venereal diseases originally became infectious after human and animal intercourse is that they were first spread by crew members on the voyages led by Christopher Columbus.
there are thousands of them that are known to mankind.
There are 63 known diseases that a mouse can get, excluding STD's.
She was originally from Albania, today known as Macedonia.
Sarcoidosis is a lesser known disease.