Congenital disorders are present at or shortly after birth and are typically present throughout life until death. Some congenital abnormalities (such as a heart defect) are treatable or repaired in infancy or young childhood.
Acquired disorders develop during a person's lifetime, anytime from birth to old age. Almost every adult by old age has at least one acquired disorder and most adults develop more than one disorder.
passed on from father/mother to child
Which of the following terms does NOT describe a form of a fat?Cholesterol
Conditions that are present at birth. Conditions that can be hereditary or genetic.
The number one can be used to describe a certain event.
Personality Disorders
In medical terms, acquired is the opposite of congenital; it means a condition that you weren't born with.
The suffix "-spadias" refers to a condition where a body part is displaced or positioned incorrectly. It is commonly used in medical terms to describe congenital defects such as hypospadias (urethral opening on the underside of the penis) or epispadias (urethral opening on the upper side of the penis).