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Antihyperlipidemic agent

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Q: Which of the following is not a type of cardiac medication?
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What type of muscles are the cardiac muscles?

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What antiarrhythmic medication and powerful cardiac stimulant is derived from the foxglove plant?

== == Digoxin

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Why is it important to tell the anesthesia about medication a person is taking?

The medication can have adverse effects on the anesthesia possibly leading to cardiac arrest and death.

Is cardiac a type of muscles?

Yes. Cardiac muscles are found in the heart which is why they call it cardiac arrest.

What medication is commonly used to treat increase blood flow to the cardiac muscle?


What medication is administered during resuscitation for cardiac arrest?

epinephrine 1mg then amiodarone

What type of cardiac arrest did Michael Jackson endure?

cardiac arrest:((

What are the primary tissue type?

Cardiac, smooth and skeletal.

What type of muscular tissues is involuntary and striated?

cardiac muscle