Chewing tobacco
If you teach your dog a trick and then reward him with a treat when he performs the trick, this is an example of learned behavior. Over time, the dog learned that he would be rewarded for following your command.
Following traffic laws while driving a car is an example of rule-governed behavior. Drivers are expected to stop at red lights, yield to pedestrians, and obey speed limits based on established rules and regulations.
Coloration is not a behavior, it is an adaptation. Warning coloration is an example of defensive behavior.
It is a behavior that we are born with. For example, breathing.
their are no following words
The man's dharma is the set of rules of behavior for his caste. He follows the rules by marrying a woman of his caste who is chosen by his parents and agreed to by the bride's parents. He violates his dharma by changing his occupation and by following the dharma of another caste.
your eyes
Birds building a nest is an example of innate behavior. From birth, birds have the instinct to collect materials and construct a nest to protect their eggs and offspring. This behavior is not learned but is genetically programmed.
Behavior that is unobservable in another person. Thinking is an example of convert behavior. (R.H. Ettinger, psychology the science of behavior, page351)
Highly social
The man's dharma is the set of rules of behavior for his caste. He follows the rules by marrying a woman of his caste who is chosen by his parents and agreed to by the bride's parents. He violates his dharma by changing his occupation and by following the dharma of another caste.