"how long it takes for the voltage-gated Na+ channels to reactivate at the end of an action potential"
The period following the absolute refractory period is where a second action potential can be initiated by a larger than normal stimulus. This phase is known as the relative refractory period.
The relative refractory period is the time when a neuron can respond to a stronger stimulus, while the absolute refractory period is when a neuron cannot respond at all. The relative refractory period follows the absolute refractory period and allows for increased neuronal excitability.
The refractory period is the time after a neuron fires when it cannot fire again, while the absolute refractory period is the specific part of the refractory period when the neuron is completely unable to fire, regardless of the stimulus.
refractory period is the interval between action potential , the absolute refractory period is the period in which second action potential can not be initiated but in relative refractory period the second action potential can be initiated by the more strong stimulus.
In sexuality, the refractory period, the recovery phase after (normally male) orgasm during which it is physiologically impossible for an individual to have additional orgasms.A brief period of time following the stimulation of a nerve during which the nerve will not respond to a second stimulus.
refractory period
The effective refractory period is the timeframe during which a cardiac cell is completely refractory and cannot respond to any stimulus. The relative refractory period is the period during which a cardiac cell is in a partially recovered state and can only respond to a strong stimulus.
The refractory period is when a muscle is temporary unable to respond to stimuli refractory period
refractory period. This is a brief time after a neuron has fired an action potential, during which it cannot generate another action potential in response to a new stimulus. This period is crucial for maintaining the directionality of signal transmission in the nervous system.
The absolute refractory period is a time when a neuron cannot respond to any stimulus, no matter how strong. The relative refractory period is a time when a neuron can respond to a stronger stimulus than usual.
No, the neuron is not ready to fire during the refractory period. This period occurs immediately after the neuron has fired and is characterized by a temporary inability to generate another action potential.
Absolute refactory period