Motor only
CNIII Oculomotor nerve
CN IV Trochlear/pathic nerve
CN VI Abducens nerve
CN XI Accessory/spinal accessory nerve
CN XII Hypoglossal nerve
Both motor and sensory
CN V Trigeminal/dentist nerve
CN VII Facial nerve
CN IX Glossopharyngeal nerve
CN X Vagus nerve
ONES IN BOLD ARE MOTOR (3,4,6,11,12) are motor
Actually, there are three cranial nerves that are completely sensory: Olfactory nerve, Optic nerve and the Vestibulocohlear nerve. The Optic nerve is responsible for sensory information for vision, the Olfactory nerve is responsible for sensory information coming from the nose and the Vestibulocohlear (the craziest word to spell) involves sensory information for hearing (get it?- cohlear, ear) and equilibrium.
The levator palpebrae muscle is primarily responsible for opening the eyelids, it is innervated by cranial nerve 3 (occulomotor nerve). Raising the eyebrows, which will also open the eyes wider and may be what you are asking about, is done by occipitofrontalis. This muscle is innervated by cranial nerve 7 (facial nerve).
vestibulocochlear nerve
A doctor who specializes in disorders of the nerves is called a neurologist; this individual also often deals with disorders of the brain (which is basically a big collection of nerves).
Some examples of a unit of government that deals with a specific function are: transportation department and water department.
Neurology is the branch of medicine that deals with the study and treatment of disorders of the nervous system, which includes the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. It is not related to the study of bones, which falls under the field of orthopedics.
The branch of the life sciences which deals with the structure and function of the nervous system is called neuroscience.
the state department
Article II of the Constitution
Neurology is the medical discipline that deals with nerves and the brain. Neuroscience is an academic discipline that deals primarily with the mechanics of the brain and in some cases the nervous system. Neurology includes the study of the nervous system and mental disorders.